Dr. Sanjaykumar Rajpara

Dr. Sanjaykumar Rajpara
Grand Aura skin and well being clinic, Aberdeen.UK
Rajpara skin and cosmetic clinic, India
Sk:n clinic, Clapham and Harley street, London


Mohs micrographic surgery for skin cancers
Author: Sanjaykumar Rajpara

Mohs micrographic surgery is best treatment for certain skin cancers in terms of efficacy.
This talk would include brief overview of use of Mohs surgery for skin cancers.
Indications for the surgery, the procedure and the literature for the use of Mohs surgery for skin cancers will be discussed.

Short CV

MD, MRCP, FRCP, international fellow American society for Mohs surgery (ASMS)
Consultant dermatologist, Derm (Mohs) surgeon and laser specialist

Medical director
Grand Aura Skin and Wellbeing Clinic, Aberdeen, UK
Rajpara Skin and Cosmetic Clinic, India
Sk:n clinic, Clapham and Harley Street, London

BUPA Westend and Chancery Lane, London
Harley Street Dermatology Clinic, London
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Scotland

Dr. Rajpara practices in London and Scotland and have a clinic in India. He has done more than 100 national and international presentations and publications in dermatology, cosmetology, lasers and derm surgery. He has been faculty for the courses at Laser Europe, British Medical Laser Association British Cosmetic dermatology society and Royal College of Physicians, UK meetings.

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E-mail: inscrieri@pdi.ro/2019
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