Sr. Lect. Dr. Gaspar Krisztian

Prof. Dr. Krisztian Gaspar
Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Ungaria
Hidradenitis suppurativa management
Krisztián Gáspár
Dept. of Dermatology, Univ. of Debrecen, Hungary
SPIN National Representative for Hungary
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects the pilosebaceous unit of the apocrine gland rich areas. The typical inflammatory lesions (nodules, abscesses), during the chronicity of the disease, show sinus formation and fistulae development that eventually lead to disfiguring scars. This deteriorating condition is accompanied with high disease burden and the impairment of patients’ quality of life. The early and adequate interventions may result in acceptable responses and outcomes. In the lecture the available and recent treatments in HS are introduced, while some opinions on personal experience in the disease management are going to be emphasized as well.
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