Dr. Popa Vidan Mihaela

Dr. Popa Vidan Mihaela
MedLife București

Frumusetea – tinerete fara batranete si viata fara de moarte
Autor: Mihaela Vidan Popa

Lucarea este mai mult un eseu ce are ca prim obiectiv pozitionarea standardului de frumusete in societatea actuala si secundar enumerarea diferitelor tipuri de proceduri estetice venite in intampinarea modificarilor cutanate in raport de varsta. Totodata, se vor aminti masurile de preventie a imbatranirii cutanate premature.
In final, scopul lucrarii este de a distruge ideea obsesiva a femeilor din ziua de azi de “perfectiune in frumusete”, avand ca suport informational, studii globale si exercitii informale.

Beauty – Youth without age and life without death
Author: Mihaela Vidan Popa

The present paper is a kind of essay that has a first objective, the positioning of beauty in the actual society and secondary, the list with different patterns of aesthetics procedures for cutaneous aging. Also, it will attendance the preventive measures of early cutaneous aging.
Finally, the purpose of this paper is to destroy the obsessive idea for “ideal beauty”, helping by global studies and informal exercises.

Scurt CV

Dermatology – Venereology Practitioner Physician, Ph.D

Name and address of employer: MedLife București
Dates: May 2010 onwards
Main activities and responsibilities:
Therapeutic Dermatology: physical examination of the patients, management of
laboratory investigation, diagnosis (including dermoscopy), treat (medically, surgically)
and periodical follow up
Cosmetic Dermatology: evaluation of the face aging, soft tissue augmentation,
botulinum toxin treatment, chemical peelings, Laser & Lights treatments – 3D skin
rejuvenation, mesotherapy, biorevivication, Fractional rejuvenation with micro-needling
device, PDO/ Aptos thread lifting
Dermatological research studies
Office management

Postgraduate courses and degrees:
04/2005: “Surgical dermatology and cosmetic” practical course – Cluj Napoca
10/2005: “Cosmetic and Laser Dermatology” – workshop
10/2005: “Skin Resurfacing Including Chemical Peels” – workshop
10/2005: “Botulinum Toxin and Fillers” – workshop
09-11/2006: “Hospital management” course – Bucharest
03/2008: „Intelligent light – Therapeutic actualities” – workshop
12/2009: “Practical Dermoscopy” course – Bucharest
01/2010: “Laser applications” – Spiral Med/ Bucharest
06/2012: “Dermato-aesthetic summer school” – Bucharest
10/2012: “Radiesse filler Injection tehnique” – Bucharest
11/2012: Dermatology (Salzburg medical seminar) taught by Richard Granstein,
MD/ Georg Stingl, MD/ Joseph L. Jorizzo, MD/ Mario E. Lacouture. MD
08/2013: Practical Platelet Rich Plasma Course – Bucharest
03/2015: Diagnostic Dermatopathology Course accredited by Royal Collage of
Pathologists London
06/2016: MD degree, Bucharest
Technical skills and competences:
Working experience with
CO2 laser
MoleMax II: Clinical – Video dermoscopy system
FotoFinder-Systems: Dermoscope
Palomar laser
Cutera laser: (Fractional + ablative, non-ablative, hair removal, vascular, genesis, titan,
IPL treatments)
E Matrix (fractionated bipolar radio frequency technology)

Isolaz – photopneumatic therapy for acne
Criotherapy system
Dermapen device
Additional information:
Member of:
SRD (Romanian Society of Dermatology)
SRDO (Romanian Society of Dermato-Oncology)
EADV (European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology)
AMAA (Association of Anti-Aging Medicine)
EAACI (European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology)
EADO (European Association of Dermato-Oncology)

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