Farm. Docea Anca Oana

Farm. Docea Anca Oana
Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Craiova

Efectele dermatologice ale extractului de Centella asiatica de la utilizare tradiționala la dovezi științifice
Autor: Anca Oana Docea

Centella asiatica este o plantă medicinală utilizată de sute de ani în medicina tradițională ca ‘panaceu’. Proprietățile sale terapeutice sunt determinate de amestecul de acid mandecasic, acid asiatic, asiaticoside și madecasoside din compoziție. Pornind de la dovezile oferite de medicina tradițională, în ultimii ani o serie de cercetători au început să studieze in vitro și in vivo efectele extractelor de centella asiatica în procesul de vindecare a rănilor, a cicatricilor hipertrofice și a arsurilor. Alte studii au asociat utilizarea unguentelor cu extract de Centella asiatica cu un efect benefic în tratarea formelor ușoare spre moderate de dermatită atopică. În ceea ce privește mecanismul de acțiune a extractului de Centella asiatica, studiile au arătat că acesta stimulează proliferarea fibroblastelor și crește sinteza de colagen și conținutul de fibronectină intracelulară și reduce faza inflamatorie a cicatricilor hipertrofice. Dovezile științifice au arătat că extractul de Centella asiatica poate fi utilizat cu succes în diferite afecțiuni dermatologice cu efecte adverse minime.

Centella asiatica effects in dermatology from traditional use to scientific proofs
Author: Anca Oana Docea

Centella asiatica is a medicinal plant used in traditional medicine as ‘panacea’ for hundreds of years. Its therapeutic properties are determined by the combination of mandecassic acid, asiatic acid, asiaticoside and madecasosside found in the extract. Starting from the knowledge of traditional medicine, in the last years many researchers started to study in vitro and in vivo Centella asiatica extract for its beneficial properties in healing process of wounds, hypertrophic scars and burns. Other studies showed that herbal ointment with Centella asiatica can have a positive effect in the treatment of mild-to moderate atopic dermatitis. Mechanistic approaches showed that Centella asiatica promotes fibroblast proliferation and increase the synthesis of collagen and intracellular fibronectin content and inhibits inflammatory phase of hypertrophic scars. Scientific proofs showed that Centella asiatica extracts are promising candidates for use in different dermatological disorders with minimum side effects.

Scurt CV

PhD, ERT (European Register Toxicology), habilitated Professor
Department of Toxicology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Romania

Dr. Anca Oana Docea, female, is pharmacist, specialist in Clinical Pharmacology and MSc in Pharmacology and Toxicology. From January 2018 she has the title of ERT (European Registered Toxicologist). She performed her PhD in „Pathogenic Implications of EGF and TGF growth factors as well as their receptors in gastric carcinomas”. She specialised in vivo toxicological animal testing, neurobehavioral testing, biochemical and immunohistochemically analysis. In the last years her research has been focused on the nanotoxicology and the safety evaluation of amphiphilic poly-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone nanosized carriers and long term low dose toxicity studies simulating real life exposure. She specialized in clinical toxicology in Toxicology Department – Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, computational methods for the analysis of transcriptome datasets at King’s College London, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics and in new models for evaluation of neurotoxicity of xenobiotics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Pharmacology, New York, USA. Currently, she is Habilitated Lecturer Professor in the department of Toxicology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Faculty of Pharmacy. In the last 8 years she has published 38 articles indexed in Web of Science journals and has a h-index 15 (Clarivate Analytics). Dr. Docea wined in the last 3 years 12 prices from UEFISCDI (Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation) for the published articles. She was leading 1 research project and 3 Research mobility projects funded by UEFISCDI.

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