Conf. Dr. Radu Daniela

Conf. Dr. Radu Daniela
Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Victor Babeş” Timişoara

Modalități de instruire a flebologilor europeni
Autor: Daniela Radu

Introducere: Nici până astăzi nu au fost implementate în Europa modalitățile și recomandările curriculare în domeniul Flebologiei și nu există o standardizare a modului de instruire, calificare și curriculă pentru acreditare. Aceasta depinde de faptul că această disciplină, care se ocupă în principal cu tratamentul afecțiunilor venoase și limfatice, deși pe deplin recunoscută, nu beneficiază de cursuri specifice de specializare în majoritatea statelor membre; din contră, educația și instruirea în domeniul flebologic sunt incluse în cursuri de interes general.
Scop: Vom crea prima clasificare și caracterizare a deprinderilor, cunoștințelor teoretice necesare și competențelor în domeniul Flebologiei în Europa. Aceste calificări vor fi realizate printr-o nouă curriculă europeană bazată pe rezultatele învățării, cu metode transparente și recunoscute.
Metodă: Mai multe țări sunt reprezentate în acest proiect de către colegi cu activități specifice în domeniul Flebologiei și vor demara primele studii în cadrul proiectului pentru aprobare la nivelul Comisiei Europene : Societatea Română de Flebologie, Registro Europeo dei Flebologi, Hellenic Society of Dermatologic Surgery, Europe Vein Center, Associazione Flebologica Italiana, PR.A.IT Soc.Coop., Europartners S.R.L., European Health Chamber.
Concluzii: Acest proiect contribuie la definirea primelor modalități de instruire și acreditare europeană pentru doctorii care practică Flebologia. Pentru prima dată va fii lansată o standarizare europeană a instruirii ce va încadra și armoniza fragmentarea actuală precum și pașii necesari pentru recunoașterea formală a flebologului în cadrul profesiei medicale.

Training path for european phlebologists
Author: Daniela Radu

Background: Until today, implementation of the EU VET tools and recommendation has not been carried out in the field of Phlebology and therefore no harmonized training standards, qualifications and VET accreditation are available. This depends on the fact that this discipline, which deals mostly with the treatments of venous and lymphatic disorders, although fully recognized does not have specific specialization courses in most of the Member States; on the contrary, education and training in topics connected to phlebology are often included in courses having a wider scope.
Aim: We will create the first EU-wide classification and characterization of skills, qualifications and competence in the area of Phlebology. These qualifications will be built by a new VET EU-wide curriculum based on learning outcomes, with transparency and recognition tools.
Method: Several countries were represented in this project by colleagues with activities in the specific field of Phlebology and we began the first drafts for the approval of a Project at the level of the European Commission: Romanian Society of Phlebology, Registro Europeo dei Flebologi, Hellenic Society of Dermatologic Surgery, Europe Vein Center, Associazione Flebologica Italiana, PR.A.IT Soc.Coop.,Europartners s.r.l.,European Health Chamber.
Conclussions: This project contributes to establish a first European training and accreditation path for doctors practicing phlebology. For the first time, a standard EU wide training frame will harmonize the current fragmentation and steps for the formal recognition of the phlebologist inside the medical profession has been launched.

Short CV

I was born in Sibiu, Romania, in 09 May 1960, married, no children. I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medicine Timisoara in 1986. After graduation and I was employed by County Hospital Sibiu as a junior doctor. In 1991 I started my specialization in General Surgery at the Surgical Clinic no.1, of the County Emergency Hospital Timis, belonging to the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara. Since 1994 I was employed as a surgeon and Assistant Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer and from 2017 Associate Professor of the above mentioned university. I was awarded a Master’s Degree in 1998 and got the PhD title in 2002 from the University of Medicine “Iulius Hatieganu” of Cluj Napoca.
Member of International Organizing Committee of The UIP Chapter Meeting Seoul UIP 2015.
Member of Organizing Committee of 8 Romanian Congresses of Phlebology with International Participation (1996-2018) President of two other committees (2008, 2011), vice-president in 2013 and 2014.
Membership of Medical Associations: President of the Romanian Society of Phlebology (2011-2014), Founder Member of the Balkan Venous Forum 2009, Member of the Romanian Society of Surgery, Honorary Member of the National Society of Laparoscopic Surgery and Mechanical Sutures- 1996, Member of the Romanian Association for Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Techniques (ARCE), Member of European Venous Forum (EVF), Member of the Union Internationale of Phlebology (UIP), Member of the International Union of Angiology (IUA), Member of the European Digestive Surgery (EDS), Member of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (E.A.E.S),
Romanian awards: Diploma of Excellency for the promotion and contribution to the Angiology and Vascular Surgery in Romania in 2013; awarded by the Romanian Academy, the “Alexandru Radulescu/2011”award for Medical Sciences for the book Phlebopatology; Diploma of Excellency, for the promotion and contribution of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery in Romania in 2010; Diploma of Excellency for the promotion of the Laparoscopic Surgery in Romania, 2002.
Invited speaker
• “XI International Congress of CEVF; II Meeting of the Multinational Chapter of IUA; XXVIII Congress of MLAVS – Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases Palermo Italy 2018
• UIP-Chapter meeting 14-17 aprilie Rome Italy 2016
• UIP-chapter meeting, Seoul Koreea 27-29 august 2015
• Central European Vascular Forum, Rome, Italy October 16-18, 2014
• 5th Balkan Venous Forum, Sofia Bulgary October 9-12, 2014
• AFI Sclerotherapy, Florence Italy 28-29 March 2014
• Balkan Venous Forum Belgrad Serbia 2013
• Balkan Venous Forum Istanbul Turkey 2012
• 2nd Balkan Venous Forum, Athens, Greece 2011
Published papers as first author: 21 books, monographs and student guides; 102 studies in volumes and journals.
Research interests: classic and laparoscopic in visceral surgery, varicose diseases, leg ulcers, diabetic foot, posttrombotic syndrome, congenital venous malformations of the lower leg.

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